Sonntag, 13. September 2009

OMG look at her giveaway :)

is having a great giveaway so check out her blog!

Samstag, 29. März 2008

woahhh "that's pink"


i looooove this colour!!!...

it's always all about PINK.....

Mittwoch, 26. März 2008


Hey everyone:)

so my passion is make up...i love to experiment with colours and I love to watch videos in youtube about make up!!!!

Paris Hilton would say "that's hot" :)

At the moment I'm loving the plastic look, like Barbie...with pink lipstick/gloss, pink eyes with thin black eyeliner, rosa blush....the perfect beauty stuff and products for these look can you get from MAC Barbie go and buy yourself Barbie products!!;)


I love this.....

HHHHEeeyy everyone

HeEy everyone,

so it's 00:37 and I've already made my new blog ...if you can see it's new:) sorry i am very tired, my head is already lying on my pillow, and my laptop is very warm because I've been very long time online:) good night people outthere..!!!!!